
2024年5月23日—Eachrequestisrepresentedasaticket,whichholdsallavailableinformationconcerningtherequests.Theseticketsserveasasingleplaceof ...,2023年4月25日—ThisfeatureallowsEnd-UserstoseetheticketcreationformsandcreateticketsfromtheCustomerPortalwithouttheneedtologinorsign-up ...,2023年5月15日—PleaseensureyouareloggedinwithyourLicensedAccount,andyouwillbetakentothesupportportal,whereyoucansubmi...

Service Desk

2024年5月23日 — Each request is represented as a ticket, which holds all available information concerning the requests. These tickets serve as a single place of ...

Create ticket without login

2023年4月25日 — This feature allows End-Users to see the ticket creation forms and create tickets from the Customer Portal without the need to log in or sign-up ...

Submit a ticket

2023年5月15日 — Please ensure you are logged in with your Licensed Account, and you will be taken to the support portal, where you can submit a ticket by ...